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Class Styles

taught by
Body Mind as One

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QiGong (translated as Qi = life force energy and Gong = work) is a beautiful ancient Chinese self-awareness and healing practice of mindful movement.


Using breathing techniques, gentle movement, and meditation to cleanse, strengthen and circulate the Qi.


With regular practice we find harmony, peace and balance.


QiGong is taught in QiGong Classes

Somatic Exercise

Somatics is from the lineage of Alexander Technique & Feldenkrais Method.


With just a few slow body sensing gentle movements can release the muscular holding patterns triggered by our responses to life's challenges.  Practiced on a regular basis, Somatics can enabling freedom from pain and discomfort in body and mind.


Somatics may be taught in Breathe & Flow classes

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a slow meditative practice where the body rests in specific Yoga Asanas (poses) to improve the health of the connective tissue and fascia in the body, as the muscles remain relaxed throughout.


Yin Yoga may be taught in Breathe & Flow classes


Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga relaxes, restores, and rejuvenates the body, mind and spirit.


A meditative practice of long-held specific Yoga Asanas (poses) that are fully supported by various props giving total ease & comfort for our over stimulated nervous system and the effects this has on the body and mind.


Restorative Yoga may be taught in Breathe & Flow classes


Mindfulness is practiced during movement.  Guided Relaxation or Meditation and Yoga Nidra are practiced at the close of class.


All practices enable us to be aware, present and connected with ourselves, others and nature.  We can find peace, calm and ease in all circumstances.


Mindfulness is taught in ALL classes

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